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Fire And Explosion In LPG Storage

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On April 2009 approximately 11.00 pm, there was a fire and explosion in storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The storage was double storey shop houses. The accident caused one fatality, one suffering from serious burn and minor injuries to four others. The vibration of the explosion was felt 3 km radius away and also caused serious properties damage. During accident, it was estimated about 400 cylinders with capacity 14 kg and 15 kg kept in the store. Two lorries full with LPG parked in the premise were destroyed.
Fire And Explosion In LPG Storage
Figure 1: LPG cylinders at incident scene
LPG is classified as flammable substances and is colourless, odourless and heavier than air. Presence of LPG can be detected by the distinctive pungent odour due to injection of ethyl mercaptan as an odorant. The LPG releases cloud flash and explode if it comes in contact with ignition source. LPG cylinder may experience BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) if exposed to open flame.
The workers should been trained to detect any leaks from the cylinders by these following methods:
presence of the distinctive pungent odour due to injection of ethyl mercaptan as odorant used in LPG; or
slightly larger leaks will generate a "hissing" sound or frosting around leaks.
Storage arrangement should ensure the following:
storage area must have adequate ventilation;
full cylinders should be stored separately from empties, thus making an easy demarcation of LPG existence area;
cylinder should be located away from any heat/source of ignition; and
storage area must have good housekeeping and adequate warning signs and fire fighting equipment.
Information pertaining to hazard of LPG, safe handling procedure and what to do during emergency should be established, disseminated and implemented.


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